

  • 铜包钢接地材料在石化行业需注意
  • 本站编辑:杭州华德线缆有限公司发布日期:2022-05-17 17:39 浏览次数:

接地是确保电力系统和电气设备安全运行,确保运行人员人身安全的重要措施,石化行业接地包括工作( 系统) 接地、保护接地、防雷防静电接地和阴极保护接地。近年来,随着石油化工厂规模扩大,其用电容量增加、电压等级提高,因接地网腐蚀而引发的运行和安全事故时有发生。



Grounding is an important measure to ensure the safe operation of power system and electrical equipment and the personal safety of operators. Grounding in petrochemical industry includes working (system) grounding, protective grounding, lightning and anti-static grounding and cathodic protection grounding. In recent years, with the expansion of the scale of petrochemical plants, their power consumption capacity and voltage level have increased. Operation and safety accidents caused by grounding grid corrosion have occurred from time to time.

However, as a part of concealed works, the grounding device can not accurately investigate the actual corrosion of grounding materials buried underground except for excavation inspection. In the annual routine inspection of operating process devices, only the grounding resistance can be measured, and there is a lack of comprehensive evaluation measures for the section of grounding materials, resulting in insufficient understanding of the corrosion of grounding materials by relevant personnel.

For a long time, the petrochemical industry mainly uses galvanized steel as the grounding material. Due to the large corrosion rate of carbon steel in the soil and the limited protection of galvanized layer to the grounding grid, engineering designers have been exploring and looking for new anti-corrosion grounding materials. Some factories began to try to use copper-clad steel grounding materials instead of galvanized steel, but there is a certain blindness in the use process.